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Monitor Temperature and Humidity with Zabbix

Raspberry Pi 3 and DHT22/AM2302Temperature and humidity will have a substantial effect on the lifespan of your hardware. Almost all computers and servers have several temperature sensors for gathering component or ambient temperatures. Humidity sensors though, are often overlooked. With very few and inexpensive components, we can monitor both in Zabbix.

In short, we hook up an DHT22/AM2302 sensor to a Raspberry Pi 3, load Raspbian onto it, install the Zabbix Agent and configure it to pull temperature and humidity data through a small Python script.

Although this can seem difficult to accomplish, trust me, it isn’t!


All necessary components can be found at which also offers world-wide free shipping.

The parts total about $72, the Raspberry Pi and power supply being the most costly at $53 combined. If you already have a Raspberry Pi or Raspberry Pi 2, these will do just fine. Any decent 1A+ micro USB power adapter, Micro SD card and SD card reader will also get the job done.

This guide is written using a Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian Jessie Lite, Python 2.7 and Zabbix Agent 2.2.7 installed.

  1. Download Raspbian Lite

    Download Raspbian Lite:Β

  2. Write Raspbian to your SD card

    Install Win32DiskImager:

    Extract the Raspbian IMG file from the downloaded ZIP file

    Open Win32DiskImager, select your Raspbian IMG file, select your micro SD card device and click “Write”.

    When finished, insert the micro SD card into your Raspberry Pi.

  3. Hook up your Raspberry Pi and connect via SSH

    Connect your Raspberry Pi to your local network with an Ethernet cable and plug in the power supply. After about 30-60 seconds, the Raspberry Pi is booted.

    To find the IP of the Pi, you can use a network scanning tool like SoftPerfect Network Scanner or similar.

    Connect to the Pi using the Putty SSH client. The default username is “pi” and the password is “raspberry”.

    Raspberry Pi Putty

    Raspberry Pi Putty Login

  4. Connect the sensor module

    With the Pi booted and ready to go, we now have to connect the sensor module.

    DHT22/AM2302 Sensor ModuleThe sensor module has 3 pins. Looking at the front, they are:

    Left: 3.3v
    Middle: GPIO
    Right: Ground

    With the module, you also received a set of wires, red, brown and black. Red goes to the left pin, brown to the middle one and black goes to the right pin.

    The pins now have to be connected to the Pi’s GPIO pins, which is the two large rows of pins at the edge of the Pi board. Note, Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 pin placements are identical.

    Raspberry Pi 2 GPIO pins

    Raspberry Pi 2 GPIO schemaConnect the wires in this order:

    Red (3.3v)Β β†’ Any orange pin
    Brown (GPIO)Β β†’ Pin number 2
    Black (ground)Β β†’ Any black pin

    You can take a peak at the top image, to see how I’ve connected my module.

  5. Installing software on the Pi

    Having earlier connected to the Pi via SSH, we now have to install the necessary software to pull temperature and humidity data from the sensor module. In the Putty SSH console, do the following:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install git python-dev
    git clone
    cd Adafruit_Python_DHT/
    sudo python install

    This ensures we have the necessary Python module compiled and installed, which enables us to pull data via the GPIO integrated circuit.

  6. Test your sensor!

    We should now be able to pull data from the module with an already provided example script. To do so:

    sudo /home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/ 22 2

    In your console, you should now receive output similar to:Temperature and Humidity - First TestThe first argument denotes the model we’re using, the DHT22. The second argument is the GPIO pin # we chose earlier. The temperature received is in Celcius and the humidity is in percent.

    We’ve successfully pulled data from the sensor module. Let’s configure Zabbix Agent to do the same!

  7. Zabbix Agent configuration

    We can run Python scripts manually, but luckily the Zabbix Agent can as well. First, install the Zabbix Agent on the Pi:

    sudo apt-get -y install zabbix-agent

    We need to slightly modify the Zabbix Agent configuration file. Open the configuration file:

    sudo nano /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf

    NOTE: The “Server” parameter is used for whitelisting IP addresses you wish to allow communication with the Zabbix Agent. For testing purposes, we’re using the default of “” which means we can ONLY communicate with the agent locally. This parameter will need to be configured to the correct IP address of your Zabbix server when you wish for the server retrieve data from the agent.

    Insert this line exactly as is, at the end of the configuration file:

    UserParameter=dht.pull[*],sudo /home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/ 22 2 | awk -F[=*%] '{print $$$1}'

    Ctrl+X to quit, “Y” to save and then <Enter>.

    Temperature and Humidity - Zabbix Agent Configuration

    NOTE: Some might experience longer than usual polling time when querying environment data from the sensor module.Β  This can result in the Zabbix Agent UserParameter script timing out. To circumvent this issue, you can increase the configuration parameter ‘Timeout’ from the default of 3 seconds, to 5 seconds instead, or longer if necessary.

    Restart the Zabbix Agent:

    sudo service zabbix-agent restart

    We also have to grant the “zabbix” user the correct permissions to pull GPIO data. We need to allow it to act as the root superuser, when executing the script. Raspbian uses the “sudo” program for this. Open the “sudo” configuration by typing:

    sudo visudo

    And the bottom of the file, insert:

    zabbix ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/

    Ctrl+X to quit, “Y” to save and then <Enter>.

    Temperature and Humidity - sudo visudo

  8. Retrieving temperature and humidity with the Zabbix Agent

    For testing purposes, we need the “zabbix_get” program. For Raspbian, it comes as part of the “zabbix-proxy-sqlite3” package which we then need to install:

    sudo apt-get -y install zabbix-proxy-sqlite3

    At last, we are now ready to perform the final test. The agent item key we wish to pull is “dht.pull”. It has two parameters we can choose from; “2” to retrieve temperature in celcius and “4” to retrieve humidity in percent.

    Let’s test it:

    zabbix_get -s -k dht.pull[2]
    zabbix_get -s -k dht.pull[4]

    Temperature and Humidity - Final Test

    We’re done! We can now easily pull data about environment humidity and ambient temperature!

    The Raspberry Pi could now be placed at a remote site, to monitor the environment there. This would then enable you to receive an alert of any sudden fluctuations in temperature and humidity happens!

    Additionally, I’ve created a small template that pulls temperature and humidity every 60 seconds. Get it here.

    Feel free to leave a comment, if you have any tips or suggestions for this guide!


Ctrl+X to quit, “Y” to save and then <Enter>.

Temperature and Humidity - Zabbix Agent Configuration

NOTE: Some might experience longer than usual polling time when querying environment data from the sensor module.Β  This can result in the Zabbix Agent UserParameter script timing out. To circumvent this issue, you can increase the configuration parameter ‘Timeout’ from the default of 3 seconds, to 5 seconds instead, or longer if necessary.

Restart the Zabbix Agent:

We also have to grant the “zabbix” user the correct permissions to pull GPIO data. We need to allow it to act as the root superuser, when executing the script. Raspbian uses the “sudo” program for this. Open the “sudo” configuration by typing:

And the bottom of the file, insert:

Ctrl+X to quit, “Y” to save and then <Enter>.

Temperature and Humidity - sudo visudo

  • Retrieving temperature and humidity with the Zabbix Agent

    For testing purposes, we need the “zabbix_get” program. For Raspbian, it comes as part of the “zabbix-proxy-sqlite3” package which we then need to install:

    At last, we are now ready to perform the final test. The agent item key we wish to pull is “dht.pull”. It has two parameters we can choose from; “2” to retrieve temperature in celcius and “4” to retrieve humidity in percent.

    Let’s test it:

    Temperature and Humidity - Final Test

    We’re done! We can now easily pull data about environment humidity and ambient temperature!

    The Raspberry Pi could now be placed at a remote site, to monitor the environment there. This would then enable you to receive an alert of any sudden fluctuations in temperature and humidity happens!

    Additionally, I’ve created a small template that pulls temperature and humidity every 60 seconds. Get it here.

    Feel free to leave a comment, if you have any tips or suggestions for this guide!


  1. Great article! I’ll test this solution. Can you believe that we can use this on a production environment?


    • Coincidentally, we’re setting one up in one of our data centers tomorrow πŸ™‚

      When testing it, it seemed precise enough, but I would expect it to be maybe a few degrees off. We plan to use it for spotting sudden fluctuations and to gather history data, not for precise measurements.

      Don’t rely on it for anything. Use it as a data gathering tool and have redundancies for environmental monitoring. Where we are hosted, already has monitoring. We just don’t have access to that data unfortunately, so we have to be creative!

  2. Fredrik Olsson Fredrik Olsson

    This is what I have been looking for! Remote sensing of temp and humidity in a unix/raspi environment. Would it be possible to hook up several sensors to the same raspberry pi?

    • Hi Fredrik,

      As the DHT22/AM2302 module requires a 3.3v connection, by default you should be able to use two of them on the same Raspberri Pi, without any additional tinkering.

      The GPIO 3.3V rails do allow for multiple modules, so you could DIY or maybe with an expander module.

  3. CraigDoc CraigDoc

    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for the great tutorial… I have my Raspberry Pi all configured and working.

    I am however, having some difficulty getting this setup on my Zabbix server to generate alerts.

    I imported your template successfully into Zabbix frontend and linked it to the newly created RaspberryPi host. From here I’m pretty lost on how to get the alerts working. I can see the Ambient Temperature and Humidity entries under the “Items ” tab in Host -> Configuration, they are both enabled.

    I’m assuming I need to create a trigger at this point?

    I’m very new to Zabbix, so learning as I go along. Would highly appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.

    Many thanks.

    • Hello Craig,

      Yes, you do need to create a trigger! Triggers, essentially, simply check if something is True based on the criteria you set up.

      So, let’s say you’re receiving your ambient temperature in celsius and you wish to get alerted when the temperature moves above 35c, a trigger would look like this:
      {Template DHT22 Module:dht.pull[2].last()}>35

      However, this would result in some flapping, if the temp. is right around 35c. So an even better trigger, would be to check if the temperature has been above 35c, within the last 3 hours:
      {Template DHT22 Module:dht.pull[2].max(3h)}>35

      The key difference here is the “.last” and “.max” parts of the triggers. These are trigger functions and specify how you retrieve data about the item you’re creating the trigger for. You can read more about those here:

  4. That is what I was looking to monitor temperature and relative humidity in my small sever area under stairs.
    Only one one problem came along that was time out to run script, so I have changed Timeout setting from 3 seconds to 10 seconds in zabbix_agentd.conf

  5. Kaveh Kaveh

    Thanks for very useful instruction to monitor humidity and temperature by Zabbix, but I have a problem I added the template to my Zabbix server and defined Raspberry as host and also, change server in zabbix_agent.conf but It does not receive ant traffic from host.
    The error : Check access restrictions in Zabbix agent configuration
    Would you please help me in this regard?


    • Hi Kaveh,

      Make sure your agent conf file is properly configured, specifically the ‘Server’ entry:

      List of comma delimited IP addresses (or hostnames) of Zabbix servers. Spaces are allowed since the Zabbix 2.2 version.
      Incoming connections will be accepted only from the hosts listed here.
      If IPv6 support is enabled then ‘’, ‘::’, ‘::ffff:’ are treated equally.

      Also, if having issues, you can set DebugLevel to 4 to see why your agent is denying you access in your log file.

      Remember to restart the agent after having made changes.


  6. Kaveh Kaveh

    Thank you Martin

    It was solved, but something makes me confused because pulling humidity and temperature is working for a while and after that Zabbix send an error I could not execute shell script. After some minutes again working.
    Do you know why?

    Many Thanks.

    • Good to hear!

      Regarding your issue, you probably need to increase your Zabbix Agent “Timeout” parameter in the config file to something like 10 seconds to be safe. That should solve it.

  7. NewHorizon NewHorizon

    Hi Martin,

    Thank you very much for the great tutorial to monitor humidity and temperature by using Zabbix monitoring system.

    I use Raspberry Pi 3 and DHT22 2302 sensor and all configured and worked well.

    For the Trigger on Zabbix I configured the value
    Problem expression: {Zabbix Agent :dht.pull[2].last()}>30
    Recovery expression: {Zabbix Agent :dht.pull[2].last()}<22

    Thank you.

  8. dauzayl dauzayl

    Hi Martin,

    How to do it if you want to display the graph on zabbix (temp & humidity from DHT22)

    • Hi Dauzayl,

      If you’ve followed the guide and imported the linked template, as well as added your Raspberry Pi host to your Zabbix setup, simply add the template to the Raspberry Pi host and Zabbix will begin collecting data. After a short while, you can access the gathered data via “Monitoring -> Latest Data”, search for your host and view the data here!

      • dauzayl dauzayl

        Hi Martin,

        thank you for the replies, I have done as instructed (I attached to the attachment), but there is something I want to ask again, that is:
        – in the template that I import there is no graph, triggers and screen it
        – whether this template can be used in zabbix version 3.2.4
        – the following links for screenshoot that I have set in my place “”

        sorry for i still newbi for raspberry πŸ™‚

        • According to your screenshots, you’ve added the template to your host, so I believe you should be gathering data correctly. You can check for that under “Monitoring -> Latest data” via Zabbix Web UI.

          You are correct that there are no graphs, triggers and screens in the template. You will have to add those yourself.

          • dauzayl dauzayl

            Hi Martin,

            can you help me again πŸ™‚

            i still can no get value temp & humi from ny raspberry πŸ™‚

            the following links for screenshoot that I have set in my place “”

          • Hi Dauzayl,

            Since you’re able to pull data using ‘zabbix_get’, this seems like an issue with the host and/or item configuration on the web interface. Double check your host and item settings and it should work for you πŸ™‚

          • That looks like an issue with your Zabbix Agent UserParameter. Make sure it looks exactly like this:

            UserParameter=dht.pull[*],sudo /home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/ 22 2 | awk -F[=*%] '{print '$'"$1"}'

  9. s2k s2k

    Hi I get ist waring or error

    please help
    root@raspberrypi:~# zabbix_get -s -k dht.pull[2]

    We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
    Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

    sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified

    • In section 7, right after doing ‘sudo visudo’, add this line at the bottom:
      Defaults:zabbix !requiretty

      Then add the other line as described and it should work.

      • s2k s2k

        no sorry don’t work

        sudo visudo

        then add at bottom
        Defaults:zabbix !requiretty
        zabbix ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/

  10. s2k s2k

    I did make a new. system with jessi

    whats wrong

    pi@raspberrypi:~/Adafruit_Python_DHT $ sudo python install
    Extracting in /tmp/tmpNRrc1i
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “”, line 4, in
    File “/home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/”, line 140, in use_setuptools
    return _do_download(version, download_base, to_dir, download_delay)
    File “/home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/”, line 120, in _do_download
    _build_egg(egg, archive, to_dir)
    File “/home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/”, line 62, in _build_egg
    with archive_context(archive_filename):
    File “/usr/lib/python2.7/”, line 17, in __enter__
    File “/home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/”, line 100, in archive_context
    with ContextualZipFile(filename) as archive:
    File “/home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/”, line 88, in __new__
    return zipfile.ZipFile(*args, **kwargs)
    File “/usr/lib/python2.7/”, line 770, in __init__
    File “/usr/lib/python2.7/”, line 811, in _RealGetContents
    raise BadZipfile, “File is not a zip file”
    zipfile.BadZipfile: File is not a zip file

    • Hi s2k,

      This seems Python related, and unfortunately I’m nowhere near a Python expert, sorry. You should probably check if your version of Python is compatible with the Adafruit Python DHT package. From their GitHub page: “Currently the library is tested with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4. It should work with Python greater than 3.4, too.”

  11. Marcos Paulo Sousa Silva Marcos Paulo Sousa Silva

    Great article, but I would like to know if you can show us how to configure zabbix server to get data from raspberry (zabbix agent), thanks!

    • If you can install the Zabbix Agent on your Raspberry Pi, it will behave like any other agent, and you should be able to pull the same data from it.

      I might do a post on how to quickly set up a simple Raspberry Pi agent, or maybe even a Zabbix Proxy, for gathering info from remote locations.

  12. DHT22 DHT22


    I have done anything as described but I am still getting “Timeout while executing a shell script.”
    Could you please help me? I do not know where to look. I have checked everything fre times.

    • Hi,

      This is probably due to the check timing out. You can increase the Zabbix Agent configuration parameter β€˜Timeout’ from the default of 3 seconds, to 5 seconds instead, or longer if necessary. The option can be found in the ‘/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf’ file.

      Also, make sure the script actually works correctly by manually, via SSH, running:
      $ sudo /home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/ 22 2

  13. Dominique Beaulieu Dominique Beaulieu

    Thank for that tutorial. I been able to have it in place in no time.

  14. Musakkarul Musakkarul

    i already can get return data when do zabbix_get,
    but when in graph of zabbix dashboard, the ambient temperature not showing the result, only 0
    but the humidity is working normal
    could you please help me

    • Hi Musakkarul. Try and check if the Temperature item is similarly configured to the working Humidity item, and if it is configured the same as the item name command you use when manually trying via zabbix_get.

  15. aklte aklte

    Hi martinmoerch !!
    I am not getting any temperature graph or anything else there relate to temperature.Please help me on this regard.

  16. aklte2222 aklte2222

    Hi martinmoerch !!
    I am not getting any temperature graph or anything else there relate to temperature.Please help me on this regard.

    • Hi there,

      Are you able to get values when testing?
      zabbix_get -s -k dht.pull[2]
      zabbix_get -s -k dht.pull[4]

  17. aklte2222 aklte2222

    Yes . When i put my server IP in then i get the value. But when i put my zabbix server Ip Server=x,x,x,x it has shown some error. zabbix_get [1093]: Check access restrictions in Zabbix agent configuration.
    Ambient temperature and humidity garph also hasnt shown there.
    Thanks .

    • Try to use zabbix_get from your Zabbix server, to test if it is allowed to contact your agent. Also, on your agent, make sure the “Server=” parameter is correctly configured to allow your server to contact it e.g. Server=IP or FQDN of server

  18. aklte2222 aklte2222

    Dear Concern ,
    Please help us to solve my problem . I am not getting any graph but successfully configured xml file in zabbix front end

  19. aklte2222 aklte2222

    Dear Sir ,
    I configured zabbix agent in rasberry pi 3 and executed your above all the command an configuration there. When i run zabbix_get command in my zabbix server i am getting the tem and humidity both values. The obstacle is i am not getting any graph from there .Zabbix web has only shown application(1) and item(2) there no graph or trigger option there. Please share your valuable opinion.

    • The template does not include Screens or Graphs, but if you select “Monitoring -> Latest Data” and then search for your host, you will be able to find the items and then click “Graph” on the far right, you can view graphs for Temperature and Humidity. Good luck!

  20. Thomas Thomas

    Thx for your great tutorial on monitoring temperatures with a RPi-

    As I only got the unaltered (complete) output (i.e. Temp=28.7* Humidity=21.2%), I had to change the latter part of the UserParameter line from
    ‘{print ‘$'”$1″}’
    ‘{print $$$1}’

    From the Zabbix documentation on ‘User parameters’
    To use positional references unaltered, specify a double dollar sign – for example, awk ‘{print $$2}’. In this case $$2 will actually turn into $2 when executing the command.

  21. SShhst SShhst

    [root@localhost ~]# zabbix_get -s -k dht.pull[2]
    zabbix_get [5591]: Check access restrictions in Zabbix agent configuration
    Please help I am getting this error

  22. Quinn Smth Quinn Smth

    Hi & thanks for the tutorial!

    However I can’t test the command to work.

    zabbix_get -s -k dht.pull[2]

    zabbix_get command not found

    But thats ok as I can execute this:

    pi@raspberrypi:~/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples $ sudo /home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/ 22 4 | awk -F[=*%] ‘{print }’
    Temp=17.8* Humidity=63.4%

    However when I run

    sudo zabbix_agentd -p

    I get the error.

    dht.pull zabbix_agentd [1048]: Warning: Failed to execute command “sudo /home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/ 22 4 | awk -F[=*%] ‘{print }'”: Timeout while executing a shell script.
    [m|ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED] [Timeout while executing a shell script.]

    So I know this is working.

    Zabbix also says unsupported items, but that is due to the timeout,.

    • Quinn Smth Quinn Smth

      Changed the timeout settings, now working from command line, but still getting errors in zabbix gui.

      Any pointers?

      Thanks dude!

      • Quinn Smth Quinn Smth

        Ok, fixed the zabbix errors but now a new error :

        Value of type “string” is not suitable for value type “Numeric (unsigned)”. Value “Temp=16.4* Humidity=80.1%


        • Seems to an error in the UserParameter in this post, I think a WordPress upg. might’ve messed with it.

          This UserParameter should work for you:
          UserParameter=dht.pull[*],sudo /home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/ 22 2 | awk -F[=*%] '{print $$$1}'

          • Quinn Smth Quinn Smth

            Thanks that dude the trick!

            Great tutorial btw, thanks for your post & support.

  23. AwesomeWaffle AwesomeWaffle

    I set this up for several Pi’s last year and it’s been working great. But I have one that has stopped reporting, and now it errors out when running the test command. If I end the command early I see the response from the second attempt below.

    pi@pi110sr:~ $ sudo /home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/ 22 2
    Failed to get reading. Try again!
    pi@pi110sr:~ $ sudo /home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/ 22 2
    ^CTraceback (most recent call last):
    File “/home/pi/Adafruit_Python_DHT/examples/”, line 41, in
    humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, pin)
    File “build/bdist.linux-armv7l/egg/Adafruit_DHT/”, line 97, in read_retry
    pi@pi110sr:~ $

    I’m setting up a new Pi today and would like to try and configure it with 2 DHT22 sensors, but I’m running into the same issue that I pasted above. I assume it may be something with a recent update?

  24. RV RV


    Thanks for the tutorial, however I am not able to get the reading. The program is not working for me, I am not able to get any reading. However I have used another sample and i am able to get the value with same setup. The problem is I am not able to make the second program work with zabbix.

    Here is the screnshot×1080-scrot.png

  25. Roger Van Erp Roger Van Erp

    Just wanted to say that your steps are great. I was however wondering if there were updated steps for Pi5 running bookworm. It now appears that in order to import the needed Libraries you need to run them in a Virtual Enviromint. I managed to get results on a PI5 ( locally) under a Virtual Enviromint session but zabbix does not seem to be able to access the session.

    Also is there any steps or changes needed to use DHT11 sensors?

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